Benefits of Hamachi freeware in comparison with others

Benefits of Hamachi freeware in comparison with others

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The second issue is that the intention of the creators was not to make money by charging the users that downloaded it. Their real intention, and they succeeded in doing it, was to sell the software to another company. And maybe to retain their jobs. Interesting way of doing business, isn’t it? Another advantage of Hamachi is that it is very easy to install. For anyone who has spent hours trying to configure an internet connection sharing setup between two computers, it is a blessing. No more complex instructions in Microsoft’s webpage or hard to read setup procedures. Just install it, follow some simple instructions and that’s it.

The question is, why didn’t Microsoft think about it first? Well, that’s an excellent proof that small companies have the ability to create incredible products that giant behemoths like Microsoft aren’t able to imagine. That’s one of the wonderful things about the net: it provides an opportunity for anyone who is creative enough to do something..

What about other operating systems? Is Windows the only platform in which it can work? Is there an OS X or Hamachi Linux? Actually, there is. That means that you are not limited to the world of Microsoft computers. Thanks to Hamachi, you can establish networks between the PCs of the “alternative” side of the world of computers.

Finally, it doesn’t occupy too much space. As a matter of fact, it occupies a minuscule piece of your hard disk (especially if you compare it with programs that occupy 50 or more megabytes of space).

With Hamachi, internet sharing is as easy as a couple of clicks. You won’t have to worry anymore on configurations. And, believe me, there are occasions in which you wish you could establish a successful internet connection sharing. So, forget about security and configuration issues. Begin using Hamachi VPN today.


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